Champions League Final Wembley 2013

An historical final!

For the first time ever, two German teams played against each other in the endgame of the European royal league of soccer. Bayern München and Borussia Dortmund competed for the crown of European football on 25th of May 2013. The FC Bayern München won the match with a last-minute goal of Arjen Robben. A final that convinced because of football ability. But right before the kick-off, the approx. 90.000 spectators at the sold out Wembley Stadium could marvel at a sublime opening ceremony with marching-in knights. Stage Kinetik created the right atmosphere.

UEFA Champions League Finale 2013

16 pennants were dropped down simultaneously

At the final in Wembley the Kabuki drop down technique came into action. All in all 16 pennants were dropped down simultaneously – next to each other at the 2 sides of the field. The pennants were each 20 meters long and 4 meters wide. They were imprinted with the logos of the both finalists, FC Bayern München and Borussia Dortmund. With that a perfect setting for the superb opening ceremony was created – and at the same time an optical climax was set.

The Kabuki drop down technique works with pneumatic cylinders solely, the trigger mechanism uses air pressure. So the system is reliable, where rain cripples electrical systems. Each cylinder can be loaded with a maximum load of 100 kilograms.